Women In Engineering Summit 2024

Happy International Women in Engineering Day!

Just a couple of weeks ago Cassidy, Rachel, and Jill from the co-elevate team headed to Toronto for the Women in Engineering Summit (WES2024)! Founded in Alberta in 2016, the summit expanded to Toronto for the first time this year!

Women in Engineering Summit is a non-profit group that aims to encourage women in engineering to pursue their professional registration. Every year, this summit addresses the most pressing issues that women in engineering face to help achieve their goal.

The summit consisted of keynote speakers, a panel discussion, and time for networking with others in the industry and was hosted at the Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) headquarters in Toronto. Below are some key themes and takeaways from this year’s summit!


30 by 30

One of the initiatives discussed was Engineers Canada’s 30 by 30 initiative. This national goal aims to increase the percentage of newly licensed women engineers to 30 percent by the year 2030. The speaker highlighted the significant “leaky pipeline” of women in STEM field. While the percentage of women in Grade 10 in STEM is close to 50%, this number drops to about 25% by the first year of engineering studies, and women currently make up only 13% of practicing engineers. Addressing this disparity is crucial for creating a balanced and inclusive engineering workforce.

Inclusivity Beyond Gender

Another significant theme at this year's summit was the recognition that the term "women in engineering" is inclusive, including trans women, as well as non-binary individuals. This broader understanding underscores the importance of creating a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone in the engineering field, regardless of their gender identity. By embracing this inclusive approach, the engineering community can work towards true equity and representation.


Allyship was another major theme at WES2024, one topic discussed was the SCARF model of behavior, developed by David Rock in 2008. SCARF stands for Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness. The model posits that our brains are wired to minimize threats and maximize rewards in both primary and social contexts. By understanding and leveraging this approach-avoid response, we can foster more positive interactions and collaborations in the workplace.


Male Allies

The summit emphasized the important role male allies play in supporting women, trans, and non-binary individuals in engineering and will be the theme of next years summit. The journey toward inclusiveness in engineering is not one that women can walk along. Male allies can help bridge the gap by using their influence to promote inclusive practices and challenge biases.

Hiring Process

The importance of reviewing hiring processes and job postings with Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in mind was underscored at the summit. Ensuring that these processes are free from bias and promote inclusivity is key to attracting and retaining diverse talent in engineering.

Overall, WES2024 was an inspiring and energizing event. It provided a wonderful opportunity for attendees to network with others who are passionate about inclusivity in engineering. We left the summit with renewed motivation to continue working towards a more equitable and inclusive industry.

Let’s keep pushing the boundaries and supporting initiatives like the 30 by 30 goal and the SCARF model to ensure that the engineering field becomes a place where everyone can thrive.

Happy International Women in Engineering Day!


Welcome Martin, Maya and Julio


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