co‑elevate was initially involved in the second phase addition at the Village of Winston Park which is a two-storey structure with a gross floor area of 58,000 square feet. The structure is comprised of a sloped steel roof and steel joists that are supported on masonry bearing walls.
Soon after, we designed a third phase addition that houses limited care and seniors’ apartments. This addition is six storeys with a gross floor area of about 65,000 sq. ft. The third phase structure is made of a precast floor and precast roof on masonry bearing walls.

The fourth phase is a one-storey retirement wing with a gross floor area of 18,000 sq. ft. composed of wood framed walls and a trussed roof. Numerous smaller additions, modifications, and renovations have also occurred over the last fifteen years.
The fifth and largest phase, now undergoing construction, is an eight storey, 94,500 sq. ft. built using insulated concrete form (ICF) bearing and shear walls. The new phase five building is tied to the existing buildings through a steel framed link structure that allows for expansion between the two structures. Unique foundation wall design and early construction staging was also required to provide a new electrical transformer and control room without interrupting power to the existing structure.